Friday, 18 July 2008

Just a year ago...

I was so excited with my own graduation, coz that was the first official ceremony marking the end of my studies so far.

Looking back at the day itself, it was truly memorable, and I kinda understand the recent graduates on their joy and probably some grudge at not being able to do better.

I must admit, at the end of everything last year, I really couldn't be bothered with how I did anymore. (In fact, I was shopping somewhere in France on my Europe trip.) Because worrying at the end of it is not going to change anything, and I know I've done all I could, and it's time to drop everything and relax.

A lot of people say that they'd wished they were still a student. In fact, I couldn't wait to get myself a job, at least putting my knowledge to, if not, some use. At least I'm doing what I'd hoped to do, and I'm happy at this point of my life right now.

True, friends and families are thousands of miles away, spread out throughout the world. I do miss them and there's nothing that can replace them. But knowing that they're well and fine, and that we're all striving for something better, what's there not to do? (If anyone knows what I mean.)

Anyway, I'm just trying to say "Thank You" to the people who have stuck with me through thick and thin; and "Damn You" for those who tried to bring me down because you've just made me stronger and better.

Thank You!


meatbag said...


I wished u were here for graduation wey it was really good! And wished you were back in msia too.

Guess what im having tonight?


HopE said...

Damn you!!!
I hate you, i hate you, i hate uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!!!!!
I hope you choke on it...*mumbles*