We moved our clocks back by 1 hour today, back to the Greenwich Mean Time, and thus, so ends the British Summer time.
Meaning, we have 25 hours today, another whole extra 60 minutes.
It also means another hour of sleep for me.
A day where the sun rises and sets about 1 hour earlier.
And the time difference between UK and Malaysia changes to 8 hours.
OK, I know this is a yearly thing which has been going on for ages but it's just the second time for me. By now, I can fully establish that I am a person controlled by sunlight. (No, it doesn't mean that I photosynthesize or anything like that... Or do I??!!? HAHA...)
Anyway, I used to think that it's just an issue of me messing up my sleeping patterns. But after a year of observation, I can conclude my hypothesis:
My waking hours are strictly affected by the rising and setting of the sun.
Which explains why when I was back home, I could hardly get up too late (relatively) in the morning most of the time. Even when I got back just before dawn after a night of clubbing or making up for the lack of sleep right after exams. Nope...I get up when the sun shines at a certain intensity. It's just like my body's acting as if it's a photometer which measures the illuminance of light when it shines through the window into my room. (Which is why I like rooms brightly lid by natural light throughout the day.) I get up at a certain time every day, at least early enough to let me enjoy mornings every day.
Ever since I came over to the UK, I can't help but to notice that I always wake up only after a period of time after the sun rises. Which means, I get up later with each progressive each day from autumn till winter. (But it's exact opposite when it comes to spring and summer.) And after 6 months of longer days than nights, I can't get used to the increasing darkness now. Which is messing up my sleeping patterns immensely, not to mention, my daily life as well.
I would wake up too late to have breakfast. Instead, I have brunch. And I can predict this now. Very soon, my first official meal of the day might be lunch (not breakfast or brunch) in a few weeks time.
Anyway...I'm supposed to be studying right now. If not, I should also be revising on what I did for my degree, and especially what I have done during my FYP. Only at times like this, I wished that I had not given away my notes and books. (But even if I didn't, I would not be able to bring it over anyway, cos it's just too much. I'd rather bring more essential stuff. Stuff that I can't easily get here. I'm not going to pay for those overweight baggage consisting of books, and lug them half way around the world.)
OK, back to books...need to get some reading done at least by tonight.I swear I think my brain is working slower than it used to. If only I could just increase my memory space in my brain as easily as one can in a normal computer.