Thursday 24 April 2008

One more day to go...

To the end of the week!!!

I'm so broke but payday is not until Monday and yet I'm thinking of going out tomorrow...*sigh*

OK...should stop until good...yeah, right.


I just had my appraisal today. Wasn't expecting both my bosses to sit through but they did anyway. Most of the feedback I had wasn't unexpected, but some parts were better than I actually thought I had done.


Well, so I'm not working my ass off for no reason then. Besides the fact that I just LOVE my job, LOVE my working life, and LOVE earning and spending my own money, I do get recognition as well. Almost everyone at work, from top to bottom, knows who I am not only as me but also for what I do. (Although my bosses and colleagues are convinced that there's no one who doesn't know who I am, but I still think there's always that possibility given the fact that I haven't been working much with the people in the other site.) I love the responsibilities, relish all the hard work I've put in, and enjoy the recognition that I'm eventually given.

I feel like my potential is certainly being developed right now. (Definitely glad that I got this job.)

Been given a few special projects to work on, new objectives, exploiting my capabilities, motivation and drive thoroughly. That's it! I'm always up for a challenge. The only sad part is that I'm not there long enough to be eligible for a payrise...

But then again, if I do well for the next 8 months or so...achieve all my objectives, exceed and excel in them, who knows...I might get better a healthier pay package. :)

What? No one can ever complain for having paid better, right??!?

Tuesday 22 April 2008

I need 5 seconds... scream.


OK...much better.

Why? Coz it's only Tuesday and I'm feeling like I'm having a hell of a long week at work. Halfway through something today and I felt like I have to drop everything that I'm carrying and stand there and scream. It was that bad.

It's not like I don't like being busy. On the contrary...I enjoy when I have loads of things to do. But these past weeks were like hell. There was even hardly enough time to breathe before we have to progress onto something else. It's only at the end of the day where I have an extra half hour when I can sit down and finish everything up. And surprisingly, that's my favourite time of the day. And by any luck, I always get lifts home as well. Hehe...

Oh...I know now. I think it's my pms...that's why I'm feeling like I wanna die. Hmm...

Monday 21 April 2008

Lu la la~

(Coz I have no idea what else to say.)

The day today started normal...nice and bright morning, but had to start raining just when I was about to step out the door. (At least it's not some heavy downpour, so I wasn't soaked by the time I got to work.)

Then the gossiping starts.

Followed by more gossiping...AND more gossiping (by people who don't know when to stop/shut up).

Come lunchtime, about 10 of us went to the pub for some birthday lunch of one of the guys at work. Had some nice smothered chicken at half the price. (HAHA...first good thing of the day)

Then it was normal the rest of the afternoon...until home time.

Was hardly out of the vicinity when I met someone from the other building, went to the pub again, got a free drink, and chatted for a while. (Second good thing of the day.)

Then I found out, (in one way or more) I've got a reputation now...HAHA! (Third good thing of the day.)


On another note...I'm having my appraisal this week. Wonder how it'll be.

Wednesday 16 April 2008

It's almost time...

...for that time of the month again.

I can so feel that it's near (I know it is but then it just makes it worse when your body tells you the same thing as well).

I'm getting PMS as well...not in a happy mood...having anxiety for no reason...and stressed up even when I'm not at work, when there is no reason to.

Even had to resort to comfort eating today, don't think I can get past today without having a decent dinner. It's not just the usual craving that I'm feeling (like the I'm-working-so-hard-but-I'm-not-even-allowing-myself-a-well-deserved-dinner sort of excuse...) but one that I'm feeling so deprived now that I need to eat.

And I'm so tired...fatigue...the most obvious tell-tale sign...

I need to go to bed...

Sunday 13 April 2008

I'm pissed off

with myself...

I don't know where the hell did the colour bled from, and now it's all over my tops...tsk...............

And I've hardly worn some of them before...*sigh*

Very distressed lar!!!

Saturday 12 April 2008


I wanna go Taiwan!!!

I can't believe I'm missing out on family trips now...though I know I went on quite a lot of holidays without my family but it's different when it's the other way round!

Can't mood...

I wanna GOOOOO!!!!

This post serves as a platform for me to rant and complain for the fact that I'm feeling left out from family affairs. I just like to complain.

I'm having...

...a hangover...

Though not as bad as the ones that I've had...but I haven't had one in ages....this bad.

And I think last night, I:

  • was told a couple of things that I can't remember now.
  • saw a lot of big shots at work.
  • mixed a couple of drinks.
  • took loads of nonsensical pictures.
  • drank and dialed.
  • got carried into the car.
  • was brought home eventually.

Remembered them in snippets though not too clearly. Very hungry but I'm feeling sick at the same time. I need some food, but can't seem to swallow anything.

Lucky thing I didn't do anything too stupid in front of the big shots yesterday, coz that would have been disastrous. That's the potential danger of what unlimited free drinks can do to you. *sigh*

Sunday 6 April 2008

27 dresses

Just got back from watching 27 dresses...

It's been like AGES since I last went to the movies, in fact, I can't exactly remember when it was!

It would probably have been Rush Hour 3, and that was like, what, in May?!??!

My social life is aging faster than my skin is. *sigh*


OK, 27 dresses. Saw the review on the movie the other day, thought it'd be a nice flick to watch for a change. And it was! And the preview of all the other movies just gave me new movies to look forward to. Coz recently, there hasn't been anything much interesting going on in the movies to make me wanna go watch something.

Like Sex and the City, Fool's Gold, Made of Honour, Mamma Mia, What Happens in Vegas...and the list just goes on. (Can't remember all of them...just too many.)

I just love comedies. Better still...chick-flick themed comedies!


And just saw the coverage on the Olympic Torch relay in London. I can't believe there're so many things going on this time. As dramatic as it is, I can't help but feel sorry for the people who were trying to make their points lor... I mean the whole Tibet thing is really serious, but is it going to make a difference if people just boycott the Olympics then? But in the first place, will there be people willing to do that?

Friday 4 April 2008

Why?!??! it so difficult to get a decent-looking lunchbox around?

And because I'd like to bring a decent meal to work without having to have them all mixed up by lunchtime, a compartmentalised tupperware would be best. (Tupperware's one of my fetish besides my shoes...)

OK, it's not so difficult to find the normal single compartment tupperwares, but there is none of the right size / shape / colour / design for what I want.

In other words, something that I imagined it would be.

Actually it's not that hard to fulfil right? I just want a normal lunch box, Japanese bento boxes!!! That's right! That's what I was looking for.

Unfortunately, there's nothing much I can find right where I am now, and not even on eBay. So disappointing. *sigh*

And I'm in desperate need to make some decent Asian food. Not just Chinese, but Asian food in general. So tired of having sandwiches or salad for lunch already...