Wednesday, 27 February 2008

Chinese New Year: Year of the Rat

It's almost a month now since CNY, and I've been back in UK for 2 weeks already. Life here's pretty much like normal, i.e. back to work and the unpredictable weather. But so far, the weather in Cardiff seems fair. Loads of sunshine during the day (and it's getting longer each day) and it only rains at night.


I'm just going to post the pictures I took when I went home, but there was a lot, so I'm just going to select a few and put it up. (Too lazy to upload and arrange.)

Little Jarvis...

Reunion dinner...

Karaoke at Redbox on Lunar Day 1... brother trying to do an impersonation...


There're loads more but I'm done for today.


Oh yeah, on my flight back, there was this old man who tried to get off the plane while we were 30 000 feet in the air. Made quite a big fuss and complained about random things, refusing to sit down even when we're about to land. Had to be 'man-handled' into a seat and sedated before he could be taken off the plane.

My life's full of drama (though not necessarily mine), isn't it?

Tuesday, 26 February 2008

Talk about living in civilization

When I haven't had internet access at home for the past 2 months. Amazing, isn't it? I didn't know how I survived. (Although I did use it in the office after work.)

It's really stupid because we've waited ages for the line to be installed and the hub to be delivered, but the ISP's really rubbish when they've got things wrong over and over again. Hence, the delayssSSsSSsSSSsssss....................

And now that the line's put in and the hub delivered, guess what? The brand-new hub decides to be faulty. And there's nothing we can do to save it, except to wait for a new one to be delivered...which would take at least a week, if not more (in my experience).

But nevermind, since we've got really nice neighbours (managed by the same agent) who're willing to share with us the connection until we've got our own set up. :)

And it couldn't have come at a better time coz I've had a lousy day at work. Loads of stuff going on but not all of them are going right. *sigh*

Need to get to bed now. Long day tomorrow.

Sunday, 3 February 2008


Just touched down a couple of hours ago. Long trip...loads of delays...but generally got home safe and sound.

I'm so tired right now...but I can't sleep. Why? Because I conveniently forgot that taking teh ais at the mamak stalls at 3am in the morning does not help u get to sleep. In fact, it works the other way round. But since I would have to get a lot of stuff done today, it might not be so bad after all. (Probably I will just wear myself out even more so that I'll be really able to get some real sleep tonight.)

On another note, I've got loads of things to blog about for the past few weeks. But then, the lack of internet access has drained my enthusiasm for those topics and I simply can't remember what they were anymore. Thus, my blog is kind of dead right now. (It's always like that, isn't it?) Plus, I'm in no condition to use my brain even for mundane stuff like making coffee (because I have no idea where everything is in my parent's new house) and I had to open all the cabinets just to find the cups hanging on the stand right beside the sink.

OK, really really promise to update real soon. When my brain starts working a few days.