I'm taking 2 days off work just to chill at home. I'm so bloody tired even though I've had loads of sleep.
Now I know my blog's dormant, but I really have nothing to update despite my hectic schedule. Oh, maybe I'll just tell you all a bit about what I've been doing. And here's my list:
- Work
- Work
- Work
- Work
And it goes on and on and on... Unbelievable, eh?
I can't believe that this job has consumed all my time and energy that I'm too drained to do anything else on most days. And why, some of you may ask, that I'm so tired when I'm supposed to do a 9 to 5 job?
Because I never get to do 9 to 5. Sure, I'll only get into work at 9, but I never, I repeat, NEVER, get to go home at 5. I don't know why but people here seem to work like that. And that's all I can do to keep up; stay back after 5.
It's just like, you know, nobody gets to get any work done before 5, and they're always only, ONLY ever free to do their work after the official working hours, and they make you stay back and do extra stuff because they need it by the end of the day, and they don't even bother telling you to do it early in the morning, or the day before, when they knew about something that you have to do. So everyone just assumes that everyone else have loads of time to do something because they just assume that EVERYONE is going to stay back after 5 and work till their brains fall out.
No, seriously. Take today for example, I'm just on my annual leave. My pathetic 2 days off from work coz, God knows, I really need it. But no one called me all day. And I felt so refreshed. No, correction, ECSTATIC, just because no one has called me all day. Until 5pm that is.
Call no. 1: Hello, so how's this so and so project going on? Any news?
Call no. 2: Hi, I was told to get back to you on this so and so thing. What do you think about that?
All in the span of 10 minutes. And the shitty part is, when I told them I'm on leave, they continue talking as if I haven't said anything at all and even had to make me put it to them bluntly that I'm not entertaining and they have to go bug someone else until I'm back. And I'm not even holding the company line. The bloody reason why, is so that I don't have to be on-call all the time. Because I'm already practically on-call 24/7 with my personal line. And I'm fed up with that. I don't need accept a company line to push my blood pressure higher up a notch. Honestly.
Some people should just learn that just because you work all the way to midnight, doesn't mean everyone has to follow. Once or twice, maybe. All the time? He or she should get a life. Really.