Yours truly did something unbelievable today.
Cutting my hair short.
Which is truly a feat because I haven't had my hair this short in 5 years.
The reason I never really liked short hair was because it's so hard to take care of in the sense that it often ends up like a mop on top of my head...or maybe even worse, a (bird's) nest. Long hair just makes it so much easier, and with the help of modern technology (aka Hair Rebonding), it has made my life (and my hair) that much fuss-free.
But my hair has got to the point of being too long now. Thus, I decided to take up on an extreme challenge. Entrusting my precious locks to a *gasp* new hairdresser.
All my life I've only trusted one...only ONE hairdresser. Not only because he's good, but also for the fact that the rest that I've had were rubbish. But since I'm like 8000 miles away from home, I don't think I have a choice now.
This was how long my locks were 2 months ago.
After contemplating for a few weeks, I've decided to go for one particular salon where it seems like they have some experience in dealing with Asian hair. (Except for the ones in Chinatown, and I heard they're quite expensive.)
OK then, take a deep breath...and here we go!
(1 hour later)
End result.
Hmm...not too bad. I imagined that it'd be much worse. But it did give me a different look that I haven't really seen before. Or it's just that I've plain forgotten how I look like with a bob.
But I cannot believe that there're people who still think that it's too long. Oh PUHLEEZE, I've cut off more hair than what they have on their head right now. So you still think it's too long then?
Because i saw u in real yesterday i can tell to everyone... SHE IS GORGEOUS!
Ps: can u give my thelink to have pacman pleaseeee!
hehe...thank you!
here's the link for pacman...i have no idea why but it's not loading on my blog today...hmm...
wow wow!
looked great even in medium length hair..
or was it that your photography skill has improved? hehehe.. but with the lighting and good angle, the picture came out perfectly.. hehehe..
haha thank u~~
i think it's a bit of everything i guess...haha!
Hi Can you tell me where did you have your hair done. What salon/hairdresser? Thanks a lot.
I got it done at Mops. I've got the same problem with you and I think it depends really. You might or might not get a hairstyle that you like depending on the hairstylist that you go to. But I got mine done at Mops. :)
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